Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Yo! Back from NYC vudo sprint.

I'm still a bit exhausted from the coding marathon we did at the NYC vudo sprint.

We had a great time and I enjoyed pair programming with Malthe Borch very much.

We did some sort of ZODB abstraction using SQLAlchemy called z3c.dobbin. That is, z3c.dobbin uses the z3 schemata (interfaces!) to transparently create SQL tables. Each table will map to one single interface, and dobbin will join these tables based on a dynamically created mapper. That means, that every interface is available separately for doing SQL queries. This should allow for pretty fast and intuitive queries.

We're going to use a relatively new approach to editing web pages -- it'll be more page centric in contrast to being content type centric. There simply will not be any content types in vudo.

Also the skinning will be completely different -- we'll use the designed mock-ups directly, and we'll server them unaltered. That compares a little to deliverance, but only a little. We'll call these mock ups "layouts" and each page in vudo is associated with a lay out. These layouts define "regions", where vudo inserts rendered content at run time. All this is configured using a ZCML directive -- that is w/o touching the mock up, and w/o having the designer be forced to do special markup (e.g. using class prefixes or id prefixes).

I think that's cool :)

And I can't wait to replace this crappy blogging interface with vudo ...

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