Well here's my code so far. It uses pyobjc to fetch the Skype Public API framework and then defines a class to be used as a delegate for the Skype API. Skype is supposed to call the skypeAttachResponse() callback, but that does not happen.
BTW, note the magic in the objc.loadBundle() call ....
Sending messages to the Skype API then results in a log message stating that no client is attached. Doh.
Calling isSkypeRunning() et al works, so I'm actually pretty sure that I'm talking to the Skype API ;)
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated ;)
Update: I noticed that the signature of the callback methods of my Python Delegator class is probably not correct. I'll investigate further. There are pointers to that inside the PyObjC docs.
import objc
from Foundation import *
objc.loadBundle( "SkypeAPI", globals(),
bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework( \
"~/Library/Frameworks/Skype.framework" ) )
#objc.setSignatureForSelector( "SkypeAPI",
# "sendSkypeCommand:", "v@N^@:@" )
SkypeAPIDelegate = objc.protocolNamed( "SkypeAPIDelegate" )
class Delegate(NSObject, SkypeAPIDelegate):
def init(self, app_name):
self = super( Delegate, self).init()
if self is None:
return None
self._appname = app_name
return self
def clientApplicationName( self ):
return self._appname
def skypeAttachResponse( self, code ):
NSLog( "skypeAttachResponse: %d" % ( code ) )
def skypeNotificationReceived( self, nsstring ):
NSLog( "skypeNotificationReceivest: %s" % ( nsstring ) )
def skypeBecameAvailable( self, notification ):
NSLog( "skypeBecameAvailable: %s" % ( notification ) )
def skypeBecameUnavailable( self, notification ):
NSLog( "skypeBecameUnavailable: %s" % ( notification ) )
def do_connect():
delegate = Delegate.alloc().init( "testapp" )
NSLog( "connecting to skype" )
SkypeAPI.setSkypeDelegate_( delegate )
NSLog( "sending" )
SkypeAPI.sendSkypeCommand_( u"PROTOCOL 1" )
def main():
import sys
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
NSLog( "running event loop" )
AppHelper.callLater( 5, do_connect )
AppHelper.runConsoleEventLoop( installInterrupt=True )
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab :
Note: I love Vim ;)