Saturday, October 21, 2006

Google's GData API

I'm currently investigating the use of the GData API when it comes to create a command line blog posting tool written in pure python.

Well, it seems that there's no Python API for the pure Google Data stuff yet (I know about the Google Base Data API).

But from what I've understood this is all pure HTML POST and GET using an extended version of the ATOM XML schema. Using urllib and ElementTree in python its just plain simple to actually get your blog feeds. They've even built in some sort of query language.

Unfortunately, to authenticate with Google using your Google account, there's a bit more involved. The Java guys have it better here: There's a nice high-level API. Doh.

Authentication is, as far as I understood, needed to post blog entries.

Note to myself:
  • Investigate Google Authentication wrt. Plone PAS
  • provide a pure python script which posts to a blog
  • hook script into a plone work flow to publish atricles from plone to blogs. Create a new content type for that, track blog post IDs we got back from google inside plone. Use Five and notifiers to update blog if Plone document changes. This would be a PIS module.

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